Couple Counseling
There is a saying in business and sports that a team is as strong as its weakest link. Relationships and marriage are similar to that. A relationship is as strong and healthy as the two individuals who come together to form a partnership.
There are several models of relationship therapy available today. In our thirty seven years of working with individuals and couples the best that we have seen is Imago Relationship Therapy. Founded by Harville Hendrix, Ph.D., and Helen LaKelly Hunt, Ph.D., it is a theory and therapy of committed partnership that is based on the premise that the unconscious mind has an agenda when seeking a marriage partner through romantic attraction. That agenda is to finish childhood.
We believe the opportunity of committed love is to help partners discover and heal old wounds forming a base of emotional safety and well-being from which couples thrive. In this context we teach partners how to use conflict and tension as a vehicle to draw themselves together rather than apart. Couples learn how to effectively communicate, resolve conflict, become one another’s best friend and primary source of healing and support.
To schedule an appointment call The LightHeart Institute at 585-288-6160.