The Center for Holistic Psychotherapy
Self-Awareness Self-Care Self-Love
Welcome to The Center for Holistic Psychotherapy!
We are thrilled you have found us and look forward to working with you to achieve your goals. We are dedicated to creating a sacred space for healing and have witnessed our clients bring healing into all areas of their lives. We would love to do the same for you. We believe you were born to thrive, not just survive. Regardless of the challenges you face in life, healing (the permanent resolution of pain) is available. There is always hope.
Holistic Psychotherapy is a relationship of trust between you and a counselor that takes place in a warm, safe and confidential setting. Different from traditional therapy it integrates scientifically proven mind-body approaches with conventional therapeutic practices to help you heal emotional wounds and resolve or complete unmet childhood needs, benefiting you as a whole person – mind, body and spirit. Holistic Psychotherapy incorporates left and right brain processes, increasing your self-confidence and self-esteem.
Common issues clients address and resolve include: family of origin concerns, physical, sexual, or emotional abuse, co-dependency, addictions to alcohol, work, food, relationships and other substances and processes, stress, career transitions, parenting, anxiety, depression, and issues of courage.
We are very results-oriented and focus on core issues rather than symptoms to help you create permanent positive change. Natural outcomes of our work include greater clarity, peace of mind, self-confidence, a stronger backbone, direction for life purpose, pride for personal accomplishments and effortless joy.
We would love to work with you. Please give us a call at 585.288.6160.
It has been said that 98% of American families are dysfunctional. The truth is every family lies somewhere on the scale between healthy and unhealthy, functional and dysfunctional behavior.
To the extent that one individual is suffering, other members of the family suffer – often in different ways, through different expressions.
The good news is that health is contagious! It takes only ONE person to create a new result.
When any one family member experiences relief, other family members are positively affected.
Select Testimonials
Dear Lisa:
What a difference a year makes in a life. A life of seeing each new day as only another opportunity to be hurt. Always waiting for that other shoe to drop and knowing another person would let you down. Entering every activity believing I didn’t deserve good things or to be happy and that is was a foregone conclusion I was going to be in pain.
Instead of enjoying the world around me and the wonders that people truly are, the time was spent building walls and managing relationships – knowing they would end badly. (I would) make sure they ended badly. Self-destructive behavior ensuring bad outcomes, failure and reinforcing “I am not good, I am flawed, I am undeserving, I am unlovable.”
I can barely remember actually feeling that way as I describe it now. Simple insights make huge changes possible. After all else had failed – The LightHeart Institute restored my ability to see a different path. To be thankful for the many gifts of life and to smile at each new day…
Thank you for helping me see another way.
I found The LightHeart Institute at one of the most crucial points in my life. Without the help of Lisa I would not be at the place I am today; completely refreshed with a joyous outlook on life. Lisa showed me that I was not broken and helped me find the well-being deep down under the years of self defeating thought processes. Lisa’s ability to listen to what I am saying and then finding the underlying meaning has helped me truly understand myself in ways I have never been able to before. She has guided me in virtually every aspect of my life, dealing with my feelings, communication skills, family relationships and business and work relationships. Lisa is one of the most well rounded, truly loving teachers I have ever met.
– Darren M.
Dear Lisa,
I wanted to take the time to thank you and The LightHeart Institute for the success I have been enjoying both professionally and personally through your coaching. While I met you through a friend some time ago and had leveraged your executive coaching to produce an upward spiral of profitability and effectiveness for my partner and I and our company, I feel compelled to write you to thank you for your coaching in my personal life. After having achieved the exciting business results with the assistance of your coaching, and then having decided to seek you out as a coach in my personal life and marriage, I feel as though I have truly been able to thrive. With my wife and I both owning and operating two separate businesses, and with two boys of 13 and 11 years old, and the busy schedules that come along with running a business or two while playing an active roll in the boys lives, I am enjoying a connection between my wife and I that truly defines thriving. Thank you again. Your guidance and wisdom is a great gift that I have been so fortunate to have shared. If there is any thing I can do for you in return, please don’t hesitate to let me know.
– Tim C.
Because of our work together I can see so much more than my eyes are seeing because my heart is seeing.
– Anonymous
Dear Lisa,
As I find myself reflecting over my life events of the past few years, I couldn’t help but think of you, because without you believing in me until I believed in me I wouldn’t be where I am right now. So, I thought I would take a few minutes to write you and just say thank you for helping me bring my dreams into existence. There wouldn’t be enough time or paper to list each and everything that you have helped me heal, change, realize, understand, discover, and achieve in my life, but the support, knowledge and unconditional love that you’ve shared has truly changed my life. Your amazing knowledge, resources, and direction has continually fulfilled so many of my needs, you never cease to amaze me! This thank you would not be complete without mentioning my precious baby boy Alexander. You know that over the years one of my dreams was to have an awesome relationship with a loving husband and a little boy named Alex and all the love and comfort that come with them both. As I find myself living this incredible dream out I think of you often and how you truly believed I could bring these two guys into my life and how thankful I am that they are here. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
– Sandra S.
It’s funny, I have what I’ve always wanted now. In the past year and a half, I have the love, family & friends that I’ve always wanted.
– Anonymous
Dear Lisa,
I want you to know I encourage anyone who is interested in getting counseling services to go to The LightHeart Institute. For several years, I’ve come to you for personal counseling and have benefited in many ways.
I remember when I used to think often of how I didn’t measure up to how I should be in several ways. As a child and teenager, if only I could be cooler, detached and unemotional, I’d be more popular. If only I was smarter and always did right, then my parents would be proud of me. As a young adult, if I worked longer and harder, then maybe the company owners would be pleased. If I did whatever my wife and kids wanted, then surely they would be happier.
When things didn’t work out, especially my marriage, I was confused as to why not. More often than not, I believed it was because I was a failure. I didn’t measure up again. There was evidence.
I’m not so confused now, even when something doesn’t work out. I can now see myself as successful instead of a failure. To a great degree, this is because of the work we’ve done at The LightHeart Institute. I remember being hesitant to go to personal counseling. How could I tell someone about my failings? They’d look down on me. Thankfully, it was the opposite of that. Right from the start, I found counseling with Lisa to be non-judgmental and supportive. It has helped me in some major areas – with my personal relationships, family relationships and business relationships.
I’m most pleased that this work on myself will also benefit my children. They learn to appreciate themselves by seeing me appreciate myself. They learn that whatever they’re feeling and thinking is valid, because I’ve been learning that. I believe this work has helped break a cycle that gets passed on from generation to generation. My heartfelt thank you to you for your help.
– Scott P.
Dear Lisa,
I wanted to take a moment to thank you for being a part of my life and showing me the things that have plagued and held me back for 42 years. I always knew certain issues I had and always felt I could deal with them myself. But after talking with someone very dear to me and having things get worse and not better, I came to you for help. It has only been a short time that I have worked with you but already I can see great things starting to happen and this weight that I have been carrying around has finally gotten much lighter. I know I still have a ways to go, but with you and the support of my beautiful wife I know I will have all of the things that I long for and also all the things God has in store for me. Thank you so very much.
– Gary S.
We highly recommend Lisa and The LightHeart Institute to couples experiencing conflict, disappointment, and/or doubt, but also to couples in a good relationship.
As a result of working with Lisa I have never felt so much love for myself and now I know it is inside of me.
– Anonymous
Group Testimonials
I came into LightHeart like a lamb, but now I’m turning into a lion.
– Anonymous
LightHeart is like an anchor that I swing around as I help myself toward wellness. In LightHeart you focus on healing the body, mind and spirit. Other cancer groups I contacted touched on these things but focused mainly on the disease itself. In LightHeart I deal with healing my whole self.
– Catherine M.
LightHeart does not replace medical support. But if you want a miracle, LightHeart is a place where you are encouraged to do the hard work of making miracles happen.
– Chloe B.
LightHeart is looking at feelings. Meditation gets me in touch with feelings. When it comes to self-love I am like a little baby learning to walk. In LightHeart it’s OK to fall down. But when I can take a step that says ‘I love me’ and mean it, miracles of healing take place inside me.
– Anonymous
The LightHeart Institute became my cocoon of love; providing me the love, time and space to observe my shadow side and helped me to find the gifts therein, many which I now use living life anew, extending love and healing services to others. Shedding the darkness, I now have found the Light in my Heart.
– Anonymous
For me, The LightHeart Institute groups are much more about life issues than illness issues; this is why they are far superior to conventional cancer “support” groups I’ve experienced.
– Gwen B.
LightHeart is like a weekly dose that keeps me on track…This group has people in all stages of illness and conflict, personal and medical crisis. It is a real home base.
– Katherine H.
Random Comments from Clients…
I’m so uplifted when I work with you!
I’m using the tools you’ve given me… and I’ve been able to hold my own (sobriety). I feel very proud of myself.
I have hope like I’ve never had hope before, in ALL areas of my life!
I cannot tell you how much you have helped my family. You are brilliant!
What happened to me is remarkable! I am not the same person I was when I walked in here 8 months ago
I have seen many therapists since childhood. No one has helped me as you have. You are one in a million.
I am feeling incredibly better as new inspirational insights have moved in once I became internally settled with being angry. It’s a funny phenomenon. Thank you for affirming me consistently in this life-giving process. I don’t tell you enough how grateful I am that you are willing to do such work. It has made a huge difference in my life.
I am enjoying myself so much more since I’ve been seeing you. I’m so much more calm and peaceful. What used to cause me anxiety no longer does.
I feel like my spouse and I are closer now than we ever have been (as a result of) our discussions with you.
I’ve decided what I want to do…You bring out the best in me…
You have gifts beyond anyone I have ever known…
I’m so grateful I’m discovering my quick wittedness…
My book is so close to being published – I should receive the proof copy this week. I am so indebted to you with your teaching of guided imagery.
I can’t fight (my addiction) anymore. I don’t have to!
Getting Started
It can take enormous courage to schedule an appointment with a counselor, but we encourage you to do so if you are seeking greater happiness and peace of mind.
To schedule a confidential appointment, call 585.288.6160.
We will do our best to schedule a time most convenient for you.