Last night, we had another powerful session. As the weeks go by, each participant is becoming more aware of their body’s needs and wants. When healthful, nutritious eating is combined with mindful meditation techniques, the body begins its journey back to homeostasis. For example, one of the participants mentioned that he didn’t feel well after eating a cheese pastry over the Easter holiday. Another mentioned that he went camping and that the barbecued chicken did not sit well with him. This opened up the discussion to hidden ingredients, such as high fructose corn syrup, gluten, etc., that are often in our food and cause inflammation of the GI tract and other parts of the body. Additionally, it made us aware of how much more we are tuning into our bodies as a result of the group.
Sholem Asch once said, “An illness is like a journey into a far country; it sifts all one’s experience and removes it to a point so remote that it appears like a vision.”
After we discussed our food logs and observations, our facilitator Lisa, brought something to our attention. Lisa asked how many group members have either struggled with addiction or know someone who has. During last week’s session, a participant’s story regarding sugar binges, highlighted the connection between an addiction, daily intake of protein and cravings. A craving is a sign that the body, the GI tract and neurotransmitters are “out of balance.”
In order to bring the body back in balance, many of us in the group need to increase our protein intake. Protein shakes are very helpful in accomplishing this.